MRM Project Feature: Christy Williams Mini-Brand, Site Design, and Self-Publishing

Christy Williams is a repeat client who came to us with a well-edited manuscript and a clear-cut idea of what she wanted: a custom book cover, interior design, typesetting, and formatting. She also wanted to give her site design a refresh and requested a custom book sales page. We adore Christy, so this project was a work-of-heart from the beginning.

About This Project

MRM Project Feature: Christy Williams Sales Page Design

Christy Williams is a compassionate, transparent, “keep it real” kind of girl. She loves encouraging women to read, apply, and be transformed by God’s Word. She is also a gifted writer and speaker. She uses these gifts to help women gain the tools needed to more consistently achieve healthy goals and positive outcomes. This passion is what fuels her messages that enable listeners to:

  • Discover how Bible reading equips you to overcome being overwhelmed.
  • Disconnect from unhealthy people and practices in order to welcome peace of mind.
  • Exchange hopelessness and despair for joy and confidence.
  • Embrace a mindset that quiets worry and produces contentment.

After speaking with Christy, we became just as passionate about her mission as she was. We funneled that passion into a cover design that reflected her personality and ministry and would serve her well in marketing. Her book was professionally formatted, typeset, and the interior was designed to coordinate with the cover.

Then, we created a mini-rebrand and gave her site design a refresh to match the new branding. A book sales page was added to give Christy’s readers insight into her new book and she purchased a few social media shareables to entice them to spread her message.

What Christy had to say…

It looks AWESOME! I love the colors! You did great!

MRM Project Feature: Christy Williams Self-Publishing

Services Included in this Project

  • Book Cover Design, Front and Back
  • Typesetting
  • Formatting
  • Interior Design
  • Website Design Refresh
  • Mini Brand Design Package
  • Social Media Shareables
  • Site Care Plan

Team Members Involved

Find out more about these ladies and the rest of the team here at MRM: Meet the Team

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