MRM Project Feature: Miracles in the Making Publishing and Website Design

We get all kinds of giddy when our clients refer their friends and family to us. We were introduced to Maxine Madison that way. She came to us through her friend, Christy Williams, a repeat client that we adore.

Maxine had a great idea for a book but had no online platform and only a general understanding of how self-publishing works. After hearing her big-picture vision on our discovery call, we coached her through her options and made several suggestions. She is now not only a proud author, but also the proud owner of her own publishing imprint! We also assisted with editing, cover design, interior design and formatting, as well as a static book page for her debut release: Miracles in the Making! Once that portion of the project was complete, we moved on to developing a full strategy for social media management and some add-ons like video editing, companion product, and copywriting.

About This Recent Project

Book Edits, Cover Design, Formatting, Typesetting

Miracles in the Making provides insights into the miracles of Jesus and relates them to our lives now. It’s a journal and Bible study. When Maxine came to us she had a clear vision in mind for the cover. However, once we got into the discovery and research phase, we realized that type of design wouldn’t be very marketable in her genre. But, MRM always provides three concept designs and Maxine loved the design based on our interpretation of the book.

Book Release and Marketing Strategy

Maxine had no web presence or social media platform when our work began. Our strategy for her was based on establishing a strong presence that would aid her for future releases, so we designed and developed a webpage, optimized her social media, and equipped her for success with a foundational marketing strategy. We also created a companion product, set up an email list, provided dozens of custom social media content and shareables, and edited audio and video.

What Maxine had to say…

Wow, I LOVE the website! I think y’all did a fabulous job! I don’t have any revisions. And I love the shareables, too! I was amazed that those were my quotes. LOL! The graphics look really good. I’m excited about the launch! Thanks for laying all of this out for me so that I’ll know what’s coming next. It seems like you all have thought of everything! I love it! And I think the book cover looks great! I also like the Multifaceted Publishing book imprint. Thanks!

Services Included in this Project

  • Line/Copy Edits and Proofreading
  • Book Cover Design
  • Custom Interior Design, Formatting, and Typesetting
  • Custom WordPress Sales Page Design and Development
  • Video Editing and Copy Creation
  • Complete Marketing Strategy (Establish)
  • Companion Product
  • Social Media Marketing and Management (Establish)
  • Publishing Imprint Design

Team Members Involved

Find out more about these ladies and the rest of the team here at MRM: Meet the Team

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