MRM Blog Post: Casting our Vision for 2023

“Taste and see that the Lord is good!” Psalm 34:8

Happy New Year, Friends! It’s hard to believe it’s already time to review another year. What a busy, full year it’s been! A quick glance back over 2022 instantly brings Psalm 34:8 to mind. If 2021 was our refining year, then 2022 was definitely our year of growth, clarity, and blessings, a testament to the goodness of God. A single blog post doesn’t seem sufficient to convey all the happenings of last year, but we’ll do our best to summarize it here!

Project Recap for 2022

We often jokingly say that we make plans and God laughs. This past year, we set goals, and God blessed far and above those goals. Most notably, we added our Market Refined Publishing imprint to the list of services we offer, with a goal of publishing four new books in 2022. We were beyond blessed to release nine new books and resources under the MRP imprint in 2022!

MRM Project Recap for 2022

Here’s a quick snapshot of more of our work for the year:

Goal: 10 new website designs

Outcome: 15 completed website designs or redesigns

Goal: 4 marketing and/or publishing projects

Outcome: 14 marketing campaigns and/or publishing projects

Goal: Maintaining 50 site care clients and 25 hosting clients

Outcome: 50 site care and hosting clients + another 21 separate hosting clients

We added many new clients to the MRM family this past year as well, creating and fostering so many new relationships. It was exciting to dream big with these new-to-us authors and business owners and we look forward to continuing to serve them in this new year.

Team News and Updates for 2022

After a thorough review of our services and clients’ needs, we set an intentional goal in 2022 to add to our in-house team roster as well as to expand the list of associates with whom we partner. God once again provided just the right connections in His perfect timing. We added Tiana, Debi, and Randi to the MRM team, all of whom have already partnered with multiple clients for website, publishing, and marketing support. Our online community grew as we partnered with Ariel, Sara, and Amy on multiple occasions throughout the year. It’s a powerful thing when faith-filled business owners come together for the greater good!

In October, we also had the incredible joy of hosting our first ever team retreat. This weekend together was literally a dream come true. With an all-virtual team, it’s a bit challenging to create community and relationships beyond the screen. Having this in-person time together was absolutely invaluable and definitely a highlight of the year!

This time together also allowed us to dream big and plan for an exciting new year!

Casting Our Vision for 2023

A common thread in our team discussions is our care for you, our clients and audience. In a crowded space like our niche, there is always tremendous noise to cut through. We strive to ensure what we are contributing to that crowded space is valuable, trustworthy, and encouraging. Our greatest hope is that our clients feel cared for, invested in, and supported in all interactions with us.

When casting our vision for 2023, all team conversations came back to one simple phrase – “We’ve got you!” We hope you hear those words not just in spoken or written form but also in the way we care for you and your vision while we perform the task at hand or provide the support you need. Our heart’s desire is to serve you well, to partner with you in whatever venture God is calling you to, and to give you the tools, confidence, and encouragement necessary to see it through. We believe what sets MRM apart from any other business or agency like us is family. Regardless of your entry point into MRM – whether you are a client, blog reader, business colleague, or team member – once you are “in”, you are family. We care for you, we pray for you, we cheer for you, and we work hard for you and your goals.

In 2023, we want to grow our community both on and offline. Our primary goal is to bring that family care off the page, off the screen, by creating new opportunities for each of you to connect with us (and us with YOU!) in more personal ways. We want to lock arms with you this year, and that means being more accessible to you – creating space to sit, talk, dream with you – throughout the year. To that end, we’re so excited to announce four IN-PERSON events in 2023! Each in-person opportunity will have a small group, intimate, “come have coffee with us” feel, with every detail intentionally planned so you feel safe, loved, supported, and inspired. Stay tuned for announcements coming soon as we prepare to roll out the welcome mat. We can’t wait to see you!

God has big things in store for you this year, we know it. So rise up and embrace whatever He’s calling you to! We’ve got you!

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