MRM Project Feature: Carmen Horne Brand & Website Design

Carmen Horne has been a client with MRM for several years. We helped get her started on WordPress from Blogger, refreshed her website design a couple of times, and assisted with her first two book releases. Most recently, we had the exciting opportunity to create a professional brand and website design for Carmen’s new role as an establish author and as a faith-based life coach.

About This Recent Project

Brand & Website Design

Because Carmen’s online role, platform, and community have grown so successfully in recent years, it made sense for her to establish professional brand identity with this website redesign. Carmen had a pretty clear idea of the font styles she wanted, which helped us narrow down her design concepts very quickly. We talked through the color palettes she had pinned for us on Pinterest and perfected the overall brand design and brand board.

Once the brand design was finalized, we moved on to the redesign of Carmen’s website. Her previous website primarily focused on her blog, but the new site home page needed to give visitors a quick glimpse into all that Carmen offers now. We created a professional About page for her to showcase her statement of faith, her certifications and the communities she’s a part of. We also designed a new sales page for all of Carmen’s books and a landing page for her free resources. Another addition to the new website was a media page to house quick downloads for event planners and several of Carmen’s videos.

We also set up an eStore for Carmen to offer book bundles, purchasable downloads, and other gifts through her website. With customized taxes and shipping already in place, this eStore can grow with her and not only offer great resources to her following but also serve as an additional income source for her.

Carmen is always such a pleasure to work with and we couldn’t be more delighted with the finished project!

What Carmen had to say…

“The website looks fantastic! Well done! Big thank you’s to your team for your work and your patience!!

Services Included in this Project

  • Mini Brand Identity Design Package
  • Custom WordPress Website Design and Development
  • Sitemap Reorganization and Cleanup
  • Addition and Configuration of eCommerce

Team Members Involved

Find out more about these ladies and the rest of the team here at MRM: Meet the Team

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