Hi. I’m Carey: I’m an introverted word-nerd, happiest with a cup of coffee and a laptop enjoying time in my backyard.


When I do venture out with friends, we’ll usually dive right into deep water conversations that matter to our heart. I absolutely adore my two kids and soak up any time I can get with them. Also a pet lover, furry friends are the best companions because they love unconditionally. I enjoy listening to audiobooks as I walk, mow, drive, or putz around the house. I’m not a foodie and am a mess in the kitchen, but I’m pretty sure I could live off taco meat and tortilla chips until I see Jesus face to face. And give me anything pumpkin spice and you’ve earned a friend for life.

I’m a speaker, author and life coach, honest about my life and faith… stumbles, fumbles and all. My ministry focuses on helping women untangle their self-worth from the world and secure it in Jesus. And when we do, we’re free to live authentic lives… not perfect ones.

I speak straight to the heart of women who battle insecurity and feelings of worthlessness, and remind them why they matter.

Her Specialties

Editing and copywriting… and cheerleading! I love to take the client’s words and make them pop even more. Sometimes we need a fresh set of eyes to help us say something in a newer, clearer, or more powerful way. I am a word-lover, so any project that requires I read them… rework them… add to or delete from them… puts a smile on my face.


  I believe coffee is from Heaven, and thank God every day for it. My family loves the ocean, and we travel to it as often as possible. I used be an avid reader, but these days it’s more of a sleeping aide. The color orange makes me happy, as does anything pumpkin-spice and stringing together a well-crafted sentence. Yes, I’m a self-professed word-nerd… a title I wear proudly.

Her Recent Projects

Line/copy and developmental edits for book proposals, sample chapters, blog posts, one sheets, and TOC’s for many established and hopeful authors.

Her Education & Training

I traditionally published my first book in 2015. Before that, I had self-published 3 books. Copy writing has been a theme in my jobs since college so I can easily say I’ve been writing for over 30 years. YIKES. I don’t know if this is a change I’ve witnessed, but it’s frustrating to see how much pressure is put on author’s to sell books. The focus on platform — while I understand the value — is hard as well because it again requires much from the author. This is why I think what MRM offers is so necessary. As an author myself, having a team come along side you through the process helps so much! Other experience includes:

  • Studied marketing and communications in college
  • Certified Life Coach
  • She Speaks 2x – writer and speaker tracks
  • Declare Conference
  • Countless webinars geared towards communications for non-profits
  • Countless webinars for grant writing

Some of my mentors include:

I used to really admire some top Christian authors/speakers, but when I was plagiarized by one of my favorite mentors a few years ago… I stopped looking up to anyone but the Lord. While I participate in continued education, there is not one person I look up to with regard to my faith or work.

Three things you may not know about me:

  1. Top of my bucket list is cage-diving with Great White sharks
  2. I don’t like anyone to drive except me. I get too nervous. (Control-freak, maybe?)
  3. I go to bed excited about the coffee I’ll get to drink in the morning

Thanks to my sorority, I can sing the entire Greek alphabet at warp speed!

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