MRM Project Feature: Denver Street School Website Design

MRM Project Feature: Denver Street School Website Design

One of the things we enjoy most about our work is the opportunity to partner with nonprofits and ministries around the world. When a nonprofit is as unique and “out of the box” as Denver Street School, our partnership is all the more rewarding. Denver Street School is a faith-based, private high school serving the inner-city community in Metro Denver, offering hope for struggling students who have not found their place in traditional high schools. More than just an educational institution, DSS is a place these students can discover the love of Jesus and find motivation to build a better future for themselves.

MRM Project Feature: Kristin Hill Taylor and Created for Communion
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MRM Project Feature: Created for Communion Publishing Project

Kristin Hill Taylor is a busy wife, adoptive mom, blogger, and self-published author. Her passion for friendship and true community aligns well with our own goals and vision, and it was an absolute joy to be a part of bringing her third book, Created for Communion: Discovering the Power of Biblical Friendships, to life. This brand new release explores the Biblical model for true friendship and explains how we are designed to do life together, in community and love. And we couldn’t love it more!

MRM Project Feature: Sarah Frazer Brand & Website Design

MRM Project Feature: Sarah Frazer Brand & Website Design

Sarah Frazer is an outstanding Bible teacher and advocate for the power of prayer. She has encouraged hundreds of readers through her free resources, ebooks, and courses. With her pending new release, I Didn’t Sign Up for This, and the launch of her new courses, it was time for another website refresh, to give Sarah a space fitting for her ever-expanding platform.

MRM Project Feature: David Achata and Executive Retreats
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MRM Project Feature: Executive Retreats for Busy Business Leaders Publishing Project

David Achata is a passionate leadership and team development coach, author, and speaker. His primary goal is to create space for leaders to find better vision and to avoid burnout.

We had the unique opportunity to work with David on not just one manuscript, but two different books, over the last year.

MRM Project Feature: Ryan Donald Publishing Project
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MRM Project Feature: Letters to Dogs Publishing Project

Ryan Donald is an avid dog lover and business man who knows that good days usually involve a little humor and a lot of love from our pets! Letters to Dogs chronicles all the things people really want to tell their dogs, and as you read through each letter, we guarantee you’ll recognize that dog!

This recent project brought laughter and light-heartedness to our workspace as we were reminded of the playful and, at times, exasperating personalities of our own pets! Ryan was so much fun to work with and we were thrilled to help him publish his first book!

MRM Project Feature: Jennifer Hand Brand and Website Design

MRM Project Feature: Jenn Hand Brand & Website Design

Jenn Hand is the amazing heart and inspiration behind Coming Alive Ministries and My Yes Is on the Table, and we are delighted to call her our friend and client. With the release of her first traditionally published book and her ever-growing podcast audience, Jenn asked for our help in rebranding her website and her online presence – to create a space for her as an author, speaker, and podcast host separate from Coming Alive. We had a blast designing a new online space as fun and warm as Jenn is!