MRM Blog Post: Casting our Vision for 2023

Casting Our Vision for 2023

Happy New Year, Friends! It’s hard to believe it’s already time to review another year. What a busy, full year it’s been! A quick glance back over 2022 instantly brings Psalm 34:8 to mind. If 2021 was our refining year, then 2022 was definitely our year of growth, clarity, and blessings, a testament to the goodness of God. A single blog post doesn’t seem sufficient to convey all the happenings of last year, but we’ll do our best to summarize it here!

MRM: Our Vision for 2022

Our Vision for 2022

As 2021 began, we were all ready for a reset and a fresh start. Early in the year, God began sewing seeds of “holy unsettling” and we knew change was coming. Taking a tremendous leap of faith, we followed God’s leading and rebranded MRM, using the word He had given us for the next phase of business. Mandy Roberson Media became Market Refined Media, and 2021 was definitely a year of refining for us.