MRM Project Feature: Elogeme Adolphi Brand & Website Design

We have loved expanding the list of nonprofits we work with and empower, and Elogeme Adolphi Christian Sorority, Incorporated was part of that growing list last year. This was the first time we had partnered with a sorority, but after hearing the mission statement and vision behind this organization, we were excited to be a small part of their reach going forward.

Originally, the EA team contacted us regarding technical concerns with their website and membership area. The site was several years old and had not been properly updated or maintained in quite some time, and with new team members assuming the marketing and training responsibilities, it was a great time to discuss updates to the WordPress website as well. Our team performed an abbreviated website audit and cleanup to resolve the more urgent errors, and to provide a list of items to address through the discovery and sitemap planning process for the new site. Working from this list of discussion points helped the design planning and preparation go much more smoothly.

About This Recent Project

Brand & Website Design

Elogeme Adolphi came to us with existing branding that was meaningful to them and important to preserve. Rather than a rebrand or our typical brand identity packages, our associate Samantha converted the slightly dated files to vectors, refined the lines and symbols included, and freshened up the overall appearance of the primary logo and sub marks.

Because many sisters, leaders, and chapters make up the EA organization, it was important to also include a detailed style and usage guide for the brand design. This helps ensure that all members stay on-brand and maintain the integrity of the design in their individual promotions and documentation.

Once the brand assets were complete and approved, Samantha and Mandy guided the page content updates and sitemap reorganization, and then proceeded to the website design mockups for the key pages of the site. We so enjoyed learning more of the history of Elogeme Adolphi and their amazing founders as we updated the copy and images for these pages.

The remainder of our work in the EA website, once the design portion was complete, involved replacing the previous membership and download protection softwares, ensuring that all Elo Member and Board Member resources were available for easy access, and removing and redirecting duplicate pages and broken links.

SEO Optimization

Included in the project scope was also our SEO Jumpstart. This provides a one-time optimization of five key website pages to increase traffic and conversions, keyword research, a report that details keyword and similar website comparisons, and an SEO checklist for improving and maintaining rankings.

Additionally, we created a new GA4 property for the new EA website, connected Google Search Console, and submitted the new site map to all search engines.

We hope our work with Elogeme Adolphi Christian Sorority, Inc. sets them up for great success! We look forward to watching their reach continue to grow!

Services Included in this Project

  • Site Audit and Technical Support
  • Sitemap Planning and Content Development
  • Brand Identity Design Package and Style Guide
  • Custom WordPress Website Design and Development
  • Membership and Resource Development
  • SEO Research and Optimization

Team Members Involved

Find out more about these ladies and the rest of the team here at MRM: Meet the Team

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