MRM Project Feature: Ryan Donald Publishing Project
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MRM Project Feature: Letters to Dogs Publishing Project

Ryan Donald is an avid dog lover and business man who knows that good days usually involve a little humor and a lot of love from our pets! Letters to Dogs chronicles all the things people really want to tell their dogs, and as you read through each letter, we guarantee you’ll recognize that dog!

This recent project brought laughter and light-heartedness to our workspace as we were reminded of the playful and, at times, exasperating personalities of our own pets! Ryan was so much fun to work with and we were thrilled to help him publish his first book!

MRM Project Feature: Jennifer Hand Brand and Website Design

MRM Project Feature: Jenn Hand Brand & Website Design

Jenn Hand is the amazing heart and inspiration behind Coming Alive Ministries and My Yes Is on the Table, and we are delighted to call her our friend and client. With the release of her first traditionally published book and her ever-growing podcast audience, Jenn asked for our help in rebranding her website and her online presence – to create a space for her as an author, speaker, and podcast host separate from Coming Alive. We had a blast designing a new online space as fun and warm as Jenn is!

MRM Project Feature: Catina Harris Publishing Project
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MRM Project Feature: Eve Publishing Project

Catina Harris is a passionate Bible teacher, well-known in her local church ministry and surrounding community. She reached out to MRM for help publishing her first study, Eve: The Importance of a Woman and Her Voice. This study is designed to challenge women to use their God-given voice to speak up and create the good they want to see in the world by taking an honest look at the first woman in the world.

MRM Project Feature: Happily Ever After All Publishing Project
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MRM Project Feature: Happily Ever After All Publishing Project

Happy Release Day to Happily Ever After All by Megan Faulkner!

Megan is passionate about walking alongside others and empowering them to live life on purpose. She is an author, speaker, and podcaster who communicates biblical truths with a side of humor and wit. When we first met Megan, we knew immediately that her book, Happily Ever After All, needed to be out in the world.

MRM Project Feature: Sandra Peoples Brand and Website Design

MRM Project Feature: Sandra Peoples Brand & Website Design

Sandra Peoples is a tremendous advocate and asset for the special needs community. With her growing platform, it became necessary for Sandra to redesign and restructure her website in a way that would make all of her resources and training readily available to the church ministries and families who need them. We thoroughly enjoyed helping create this new online space that will serve so many!

Meet MRM: Roadmapping Your Story Workshop March 2023
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Roadmapping Your Story: A Recap of MRM’s First Workshop

One of our BIG goals for 2023 is to bring community off-line, to create in-person events and spaces for real connection and community.

MRM’s “Roadmapping Your Story” workshop Saturday, March 25, our first in-person event, was a wonderful time of prayer, learning, and encouragement . . . that almost didn’t happen. Friday night brought storms to the area, and Saturday morning we woke to news that the venue didn’t have power and the roads leading to the venue were closed! But God . . .