Market Refined Media: A Message from Our Founder

Hey, Friends. I’m Mandy – the founder and owner of MRM. I stay a bit quiet on our social media most of the time. I’d prefer to feature our team and our amazing clients more than myself. But I thought with the newly announced rebrand, it might be a good time to reintroduce myself and share a teeny bit about our journey in this business… or about my journey as a business owner.

In 2011, after a couple years of blogging and making incredible connections online and at conferences, I was introduced to the concept of virtual assistant work. Helping bloggers manage their social media and blog posts was a nice little side gig around my day job as a teacher, and I enjoyed the work. Then in 2012, when my marriage fell apart and I suddenly needed full-time income, previous online connections made it possible for me to start Mandy Roberson Media and soon surpass my teaching salary. There was no real thought or intention behind the business or its name – I was in survival mode and simply needed a name on paper for a business PayPal account. Using my name made sense and was super convenient.

Fast forward a few years, the business grew. My client list grew, as did my personal capabilities and knowledge. In 2015, I invited a couple of designers I had worked alongside to join forces and simplify website projects for our shared clients. Still, the business kept my name because I hadn’t really hired these friends – I just handled the administrative pieces of the work to keep things simple for all of us. And, let’s face it, keeping the business in my name was security. It was a faith issue, a trauma response to the implosion in my personal life – if it had MY name on it, no one could take it away; right?

From 2015 to 2019, God continued to bring new clients to Mandy Roberson Media, all via word of mouth, bringing our total private client list to well over 300. To date, we have not run a social media advertising campaign or chased client leads. Ever. Our team grew from one developer (me) and two designers to a total of ten talented ladies offering a grand total of 70+ services. In 2020, I knew God was calling me to something more. I refer to it as a “holy unsettling” – that feeling you get when you know a big change is just around the bend. God gave me the word community for 2020, the year of a worldwide pandemic, and I questioned what He could possibly be thinking. After a series of unexpected connections, a few transitions in our team, and some serious introspection about our business, I realized He was calling me to build community up in unorthodox ways. Our partner and associates lists more than doubled in 2020 as we became more intentional with our online connections and relationships. We solidified our team members and developed deeper connections and friendships with each other in-house. We found new ways to support our clients, many of whom were struggling through the pandemic and needed extra love and encouragement.

Through it all, the Lord kept making one thing abundantly clear – we were made for more. I was being called to more. I, as the business owner, needed to release my grip, face my fears, and take a leap of faith. I needed to trust the One Who gave me this means of support for my family in the first place, trust the team He brought to me, and give this business back to Him so it can bring Him more glory and further the Gospel in ways we haven’t even dreamed yet. So when we share with you that the new business name, even the rebrand itself, was a “revelation” or a calling, please understand the depth of truth in those statements. This has been an amazing journey. A fear and stress-filled journey. But also a beautiful and refining stretching of our faith, of my faith. And we know He is writing the next chapter of our story even now.

Every part of our rebrand was prayed over, meticulously researched, and planned. Each step taken so far was only after clear direction. Like so many of you, we are venturing out into new territory, in obedience and faith, and with the overshadowing of a few unknowns. But along with that comes great expectation and excitement.

All that we do, all that we are, is for Him. Thanks for taking this faith-filled journey with us.

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  1. I’m so proud of the journey you are on, for your obedience to what He is calling you to, and that I have been able to be a small part of this story. Can’t wait to see what God’s plans are and how they will unfold because of your willingness to surrender. Blessings and lots of hope for a bright “new” future! (And a big thank you for believing in me and giving me the opportunity to work with you on this team.)


    1. Christy, I am so thankful for you and the way you believe in ME and MRM. I’m looking forward to where this journey takes all of us! 🙂

  2. I’m so proud of you and so grateful for you incredible gifts and talents. God is using you in big ways to bless so many people. His grace in your life is evident to all. Love you!!