MRM Project Feature: Shirley Desmond Jackson and Live Inspired
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MRM Project Feature: Live Inspired Publishing Project

Shirley Desmond Jackson learned from the burnout and emptiness she experienced from years of the self-driven, achievement-based lifestyle. Through studying God’s Word, she began to let go of her self-driven ways and embrace a Spirit-led life. Seeing how the performance-based lifestyle affects women of all ages, ethnicities, and walks of life, Shirley authored her book Live Inspired to share these lessons to help others live freely as God intends.

Thanks to a mutual connection with our fantastic designer, we were introduced to Shirley and her message, which resulted in the perfect partnership.

MRM Project Feature: Chief Flame the Arson Cat Publishing Project

MRM Project Feature: Chief Flame the Arson Cat Publishing Project

Previous Market Refined Publishing author Ryan Donald partnered with local firefighter Gina Thompson on a mission to teach fire safety to children in their area. The result was an incredibly fun and kid-friendly teaching resource that doubles as a coloring book, showcasing the well-known and ever lovable Chief Flame the Arson Cat.

When Ryan reached out to our team, the content of the book was mostly complete, but he and Gina needed help bringing creating a print-ready version of their vision. This project was definitely a break from our norm, as was Ryan’s previous book Letters to Dogs, and it was super fun flexing our creative muscles again for this one.

MRM Project Feature: Reinvented Publishing Project
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MRM Project Feature: Reinvented Publishing Project

First-time author Mike Cinelli has a passion for helping others overcome addiction and struggles and find peace in Jesus. His amazing story of faith and redemption is as inspirational as it is personal, and his deepest desire is to help others experience this same freedom.

As a business owner, entrepreneur, poet and author and a Believer, he was eager to share his story and be a valuable resource in his community, and it was an incredible pleasure for MRM to partner with him in the release of his memoir Reinvented: My Journey of Addiction and Redemption.

MRM Project Feature: Dee Gibson Publishing Project
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MRM Project Feature: Find Your Roar Publishing Project

First-time author and former CEO Dee Gibson lives with Parkinson’s Disease and has written an extraordinary memoir chronicling his life leading up to the diagnosis and coming to terms with what life with the disease will look like.

Though we have partnered with authors facing chronic illness before, working with Dee was a unique experience as we were able to witness first-hand his personal challenges as well as his resiliency to overcome them.

MRM Project Feature: Jimmi Ann Roberts Publishing Project
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MRM Project Feature: He Will Bring You Home Publishing Project

We first met Jimmi Ann Roberts at our Roadmapping Your Story workshop in March of last year. Jimmi came to the workshop ready and eager to share her personal story of grace and redemption with the world.

Beneath her friendly Southern drawl lies a profound belief in the healing power of God’s love, which is abundantly apparent in the pages of her newly released memoir He Will Bring You Home: How Jesus Rescued Me from the Path of Destruction.

MRM Project Feature: Empty Nest Awakening Publishing Project
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MRM Project Feature: Empty Nest Awakening Publishing Project

Ruthie Gray’s passion for marketing and for seeing others succeed at their goals through her marketing tips resonates strongly with MRM and our goal to care for our clients and their dreams.

We are thrilled to have partnered with Ruthie to publish her new book, Empty Nest Awakening: Weaving Your Passions into Purpose. This new release is for the mom who finds herself a little lost upon entering the empty nest years and encourages her to use her gifts and talents to find her new purpose!