Hi, I’m Randi. I am excited to dive in and learn all about the MRM team and how we get things done!

I really enjoy anything to do with words… but also enjoy being behind the scenes, making things happen!

I live in Alabama with my husband, Josh, and between us, we have three children – Austin, Cade and Mia.

You can usually find us piling in the car for a weekend adventure; our usual road trip itinerary involves antique stores, local coffee shops, and getting outdoors!

If we’re stuck at home, we’re either toting kids around, spending time with family, or working on another house project.

Meet MRM: Randi Avant, Editor and Admin Assistant
Randi Avant

meet randi

Her Specialties

Teamwork is one of my favorite words and I’m always looking for ways to provide support. I’m happy to assist where needed – willing to learn as I go!

I have been a blogger since 2009 and a writer since I could hold a pencil. I wrote my first book in elementary school (about my grandad’s birthday) and dream of publishing one eventually. For now, I focus my love of words on polishing and refining what others write.

From my blog…

I’m a southerner with a sweet Alabama accent and roots darker than dirt.

I believe in tough love, I’m learning to forgive, and I’ve been humbled to my knees.

I pray best when there’s something to scrub; I scrub best when there’s something to pray.

Her Recent Projects & Experience

I have previously assisted MRM with some behind the scenes work and social media support, in the early days when Mandy needed an extra set of hands. I am so looking forward to diving in again now and being able to support the MRM team in all the ways.

I have experience as an administrative assistant, and most recently, I was in a customer service role. I cannot wait to combine my skills to support MRM!

Her Education & Training

I am currently working to complete my Associates degree in Art, which has been a long time coming, and I am excited to see it through.

Anything and everything I know about social media and the online world is self-taught through my experience during the “mommy blogger” era. Online communities for military wives and conferences like Blissdom were great educators back in the day.

Life and experience are always great teachers too; right?

Some of my mentors include:

Mandy is the top of this list, for sure. She has helped guide me through so many challenges over the last 14 or so years! (Love you!)

I really enjoy Mary Graham’s (@themarygraham) words and insight!

Meet MRM: Randi Avant, Editor and Administrative Assistant
Did you know:
1. I don’t like mac and cheese.
2. Disaster movies are my favorite! (The best way to recharge is with a disaster movie marathon and a giant bowl of popcorn + M&Ms!)
3. I will rarely pass up the chance to stop at a carnival/fair and will leave with the biggest bag of cotton candy they have!

claim to fame

I make world-famous Rice Krispy treats. It’s true – I have a “secret” recipe I’ll never sell!

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