Let’s Get Started!

Thank you for your interest in working with MRM for your marketing, publicity, and social media needs. We are so excited at the possibility of partnering with you!

Below you’ll find lots of information regarding our working together, including:

  • A detailed glimpse at our marketing processes and requirements
  • What previous clients have said about working with us
  • Pricing and timelines
  • Payment information
  • Frequently asked questions

Once you’ve reviewed the information below, please send us a quick email with any questions you may have or with a list of your current needs. If you’ve already been in touch with us and are ready to begin our publishing process, click below to begin.

The Step-by-Step Process

Please take a few minutes to review our process and what you can expect, below. We follow the same process and steps with every MRM project and client. Some of the items listed here might not apply to your particular project with us, as is determined by the options you chose on our proposal. However, the process is generally the same. As always, please let us know if you have any questions at all!

Step One: Determine Overall Goals for Marketing Efforts

The first step will be sending over any available strategy, goals, and/or information regarding planned events or content. This will help ensure our efforts compliment and enhance yours. We will need to know exact dates or timelines for marketing efforts as well as clear and specific calls to action for your audience. If your goals or plans are unclear, this will limit our ability to complete the tasks at hand, so please let us know if coaching sessions are needed to further develop or evaluate your strategy.

If coaching and strategy services were included in your agreement with us, then we will develop these during this first phase of our project.

Step Two: Assess and Assemble All Necessary Content

Once all of the above information is determined, we’ll set to work collecting all available content from you. This includes any pre-written content related to product release or platform building, whether blog or social media posts, previous newsletters, website content, or ad campaigns. This also includes any available graphics and videos for newsletters, social media posts or stories, ad campaigns or website design, and product or event photos. The more copy and imagery you can provide to us, the better. We will use the content and design items provided to us to craft the social media content, ad campaigns, and/or profile or platform optimization as agreed.

If for some reason content and graphics are limited or not available to us, our team can provide a separate quote to you for creating any items necessary for us to fulfill our agreement with you.

Step Three: Implementation of the Plan

When all content from Step Two is complete, and we’ve received your approval, we will set to work scheduling out the online content on your blog, eblasts, and/or social media profiles, whichever is applicable to our agreement. If ad campaigns are included, we will initiate those during this step in the process. If profile or platform optimization is included in our agreement, that will be performed during this phase as well.

After all content and actions steps have been implemented, you will have the opportunity to review our work and request any adjustments or changes.

Step Four: Evaluation and Reporting

At the completion of any marketing campaigns, we will provide a detailed summary of the work completed and any corresponding results or analytics. We will also provide recommendations for any adjustments to future campaigns.

Step Five: Project Add-Ons and Final Payment

Once your marketing campaigns and optimization steps are complete, we will send your invoice for the final payment. This invoice will also include any additional fees for revisions or project add-ons after our agreement was signed and accepted. When final payment is received, we will send over a detailed ‘Project Wrap-Up’ email, which will include any additional reporting or project details not already provided to you. We’ll be available to answer questions or provide further assistance to you for the first 14 days after project completion. Any changes or additional services requested after the wrap-up email is sent will be billable time at our standard hourly or service rates.

We perform very thorough checks for issues or errors prior to releasing your final files or project details to you. However, in the rare event that you do discover an error after completion, please report it to us within 14 days and we will promptly correct the error for you free of charge. Please note that correcting any problem or error with the campaigns or online profiles caused by someone other than an MRM team member will be subject to the relevant hourly fees.

Please Note: Some of these steps will not apply to all projects, and are determined by the package options chosen below.

What Our Clients Are Saying

Our Marketing Services Requirements

We would absolutely love to partner with you for your launch or release. For our team to perform our work successfully and excellently, we ask that you and your launch or release meet the following requirements:

1. Your launch or release date must be a minimum of six months out.
We only accept clients who want to build a successful, long-term campaign. Each and every marketing project we take on is customized using many variables: the creator’s voice and personality, the niche, genre, and/or unique content, the target market’s needs, wants, and marketing avatar, the client’s long-term goals and current platform analytics, plus many others. That type of strategy and implementation requires time. Also, things like podcast tours, street team recruitment, and advanced reviews require a long-lead time. A successful launch or release doesn’t occur overnight.

2. You must have an established platform.
If you don’t have an established online presence via social media, email list, or SEO analytics based on your genre or niche, OR a substantial following via a physical church or ministry, speaking platform, organization, or an established history of engagement, sales, or closings, then you’ll need to start with our platform building services before we launch into marketing your book.

3. You must be willing to trust us and implement the techniques we suggest.
We know the Christian market. That means we know the readers, buyers, and advocates, as well as what they expect. We know what works, and what doesn’t. We also keep up with the latest trends and marketing techniques while still creating our own. While we will always consider the client’s needs, desires, and comfort level, if you aren’t able to trust us fully with the project, we recommend purchasing one of our launch strategies and managing the launch or release on your own. This does not mean you will not have complete control. What it means is that if you already have a concrete idea of how you want things to operate and you aren’t willing to listen to and consider our recommendations, we aren’t the agency for you.

4. Your offer must be marketable if you want us to market it.
We will evaluate your cover, website, packaging, and/or the offer itself to determine its viability. If it isn’t marketable, we won’t take on the project. However, if we see great potential, we may recommend starting with our designers and production team to upgrade your offer to a marketable state.

5. You must have a reasonable budget in place.
We do not charge on the high-end for agencies of our caliber, however, we still require a reasonable budget to work with. Ads, graphic and content creation, click-funnels, lead magnets, and management of all the moving pieces of a successful marketing campaign require time and money.

Social Media Management & Support Packages

The following preset social media management packages are available to assist with the most common platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google My Business, and YouTube). Services can include setup and customization of your pages and/or profiles, creation and scheduling content posts on each platform, creating and scheduling custom shareable images, boosting traffic and interaction on each platform, and providing monthly reports – dependent on the package and add-ons chosen below. All monthly plans include the creation and implementation of a content calendar.

Packages can be purchased as listed or customized to fit your specific needs. We offer 3-month, 6-month, or 12-month terms and will recommend the term best suited to meet your goals. For all product or book launches and/or publicity campaigns, we require a minimum of a 6-month term to ensure the campaign’s greatest success.

Tall Monthly Support Package

Typically starts at $350/month

This package is great for those who are just starting out on social media and are still finding their voice. Our team will create a content calendar using content provided to us and perform minimal weekly engagement with the audience and followers. Package can be scaled based on the amount or type of content we create.

  • General strategy and action plan
  • 3-5 posts (copy + graphic and/or provided video) per week on Facebook and Instagram
  • Use of relevant hashtags
  • Comment and messaging monitoring with minimal engagement
  • Optional monthly or quarterly cover image updates ($35 each)
  • Optional monthly engagement report (+$50)
  • Optional content upgrades for carousel posts or animated graphics (TBD)

Final cost is dependent on scope. This package does not include creating or optimizing the platforms/accounts of your choice. Please let us know if you’d like this additional service.

Please note: Additional profiles and follower engagement can be added to each package. The monthly fees will be adjusted accordingly.

Grande Monthly Support Package

Typically starts at $550/month

This package is ideal for those who have established their voice and following and are looking to grow their reach and engagement. Our team will create a content calendar using content provided to us and perform regular weekly engagement with the audience, followers, and relevant influencers. Package can be scaled based on the amount and type of content we create.

  • General strategy and action plan
  • 5-7 posts (copy + graphic and/or provided video) per week on Facebook and Instagram
  • Use of relevant hashtags
  • Comment and messaging monitoring with strategic engagement
  • Monthly engagement report included ($50 value)
  • Optional monthly or quarterly cover image updates ($35 each)
  • Optional content upgrades for carousel posts or animated graphics (TBD)

Final cost is dependent on scope. This package does not include creating or optimizing the platforms/accounts of your choice. Please let us know if you’d like this additional service.

Please note: Additional profiles and follower engagement can be added to each package. The monthly fees will be adjusted accordingly.

Venti Monthly Support Package

Typically starts at $675/month

This package is for those who are well-established in their niche and ready to expand to the next level. Our team will create a content calendar using content provided to us and perform daily engagement with the audience, followers, and relevant influencers. Package can be scaled based on the amount and types of content we create.

  • Platform-specific strategy and action plan
  • 7-10 posts per week on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn
  • Use of relevant hashtags
  • Comment and messaging monitoring with strategic engagement
  • Influencer tagging and targeting
  • Monthly engagement report included ($50 value)
  • Optional monthly or quarterly cover image updates ($35 each)
  • Optional content upgrades for carousel posts or animated graphics (TBD)

Final cost is dependent on scope. This package does not include creating or optimizing the platforms/accounts of your choice. Please let us know if you’d like this additional service.

Please note: Additional profiles and follower engagement can be added to each package. The monthly fees will be adjusted accordingly.

Optional Upgrades or Add-Ons:

  • Social Media Coaching or Consultation
  • Social Media Audit
  • Social Media Strategy and Action Plan
  • Social Media Platform Optimization
  • Social Media Branding
  • Influencer Campaign
  • Social Media Ad Campaigns
  • Monthly Social Media Reports
  • Newsletters and Drip Campaigns


After our discovery call, if we both decide to move forward with the project, we’ll send you an email with a recap of our call and summary of your project. For all marketing or publicity campaigns, at that point, you’ll need to pay a 30% deposit to secure your place in our queue. The remaining 70% of your project balance will be divided into equal monthly or bi-weekly payments, dependent on the timeline, with the final balance due upon project completion.

For all monthly support agreements, you’ll need to pay any one-time fees + the first month’s support fees at the time of the signed agreement. All other fees will be billed monthly on the 1st of the month for the length of our agreement.

All invoices are handled through Freshbooks, and payment can be remitted via debit card, credit card, or PayPal. 

Frequently Asked Questions

The answer really depends on your niche, your audience, and your goal. A general rule of a thumb, our recommendation is to post at least 3 times a week to stay present in your followers’ feeds.

To gain the most exposure, we recommend creating a Facebook page for you as an author, speaker, or influencer, or for your business or ministry. This allows you to leverage all available marketing tools on Facebook and Instagram. Then you can share the posts from your page to your personal profile as you choose.

To begin with any marketing or platform building project, we will request the following as your initial “homework”:

  • Text content and photos (if available) to be incorporated into your monthly social media content or marketing campaigns.
  • An overview of you, your organization, or your product
  • A sample of your product or a copy of your manuscript made available to our team
  • Any available strategy, goals, and/or information regarding your product and planned launch
  • Any planned events or media opportunities
  • Any exact dates, timelines, or milestones already set

Yes! If you want to market to your target audience, you must be present where they hang out. Currently, there are 3.5 billion social media users. That’s approximately 45% of the population. It will only increase from there.

Social media marketing can help your business reach your audience more quickly than other antiquated marketing strategies (television advertisements, newspaper, and billboard), and it offers endless possibilities to help businesses.

The only answer we can give without going through our intake and discovery process with you is: it depends.

Currently there are 2.7 billion people on Facebook, 2.29 billion on Youtube, 1.2 billion on Instagram, and 700 million on TikTok. However, depending on your unique business and strategy, LinkedIn or GoodReads might be better for you. Then there’s Pinterest. Though they only have 459 million users, those users spend 73% more on products and services that show up in their feed and the half life of one post is 15 months.

We customize strategies based on your offering, target audience, and the platform you’re willing to maintain yourself, or pay to keep up.

The short answer is yes, your numbers will jump in those areas. However, that is not our focus. We put our effort into finding quality leads. The quantity doesn’t matter if they are only a number in that particular metric. We strive to find those who will engage, become a true fan, and finally, advocate on your behalf.

Yes! We encourage it. This is how you build trust, community, and respect. The only things we advise against are debating, defending, and deleting comments – unless it’s absolutely necessary. There are more productive ways to deal with these issues and we can advise you on them should the moment arise.

We study your business and online persona from every angle. We do our best to write in your voice and your brand. We don’t respond to personal comments or messages either. We leave that to you. Also, once a strategy and content calendar are created, you will have to approve each and every post and have the opportunity to edit and tweak it to your liking before it’s posted.

Yes. Speaking, blogs, and influencer platforms are all considered products or offerings and you don’t have to have something “new” to launch. A launch simply means we are going to put force behind it and make every effort to catapult it to higher levels. This also applies to previously released books. If you want to launch a campaign to market your backlist, we’re your team.

We research and evaluate everything about your current platform and offer. Our goal is to uncover how and when to nurture relationships with leads and current customers, build an effective plan for marketing to users at different stages of the funnel, and Understand the motivations that drive your target audience to research and purchase.

Once we’ve compiled our research and evaluated it thoroughly, we create a plan to bring current fans closer and bring in new fans. We do this by creating awareness, stirring interest, manifesting desire, and provoking action. The specifics of each of those phases of our cycle will be fleshed out in a marketing funnel. After a couple of cycles, we review the metrics and tweak as necessary.