MRM Blog: Overcome the Post-Conference Overwhelm

Going to conferences and events can be super exciting—you get to dive into tons of new information, meet industry professionals, and learn fresh, new strategies. As wonderful as all of this new education and ideas are, it often leads to overwhelm when it comes time to process what you’ve heard. What triggers the overwhelm? It can be information overload, uncertainty around the technology involved, imposter syndrome . . . or a combination of all of the above.

Why the Overwhelm?

With all of the information and recommended tools available, it’s easy to feel lost in the sea of possibilities. The influx of options and recommendations can be consuming, and it is easy to feel overwhelmed by the steps involved or to begin to doubt what you actually are capable of doing.

Tips to Overcome Conference Overwhelm

If you find yourself struggling to move forward after an event, here are a few strategies to help you make meaningful progress:

  1. Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. If a particular strategy worked really well for someone else, there’s no guarantee that it will be effective for you or your audience. You have unique talents, gifts, goals, and a unique mission to fulfill. Tailor your approach to fit your individual strengths and mission. Filter the advice you receive through the lens of what aligns with your personal and professional journey and what feels like the best fit for you.
  2. Just start! Analysis Paralysis is as real as the information overload. It’s easy to get bogged down by trying to make everything perfect or deciding the best course of action. As Bob Goff says, “Sometimes it’s not a matter of choosing right or wrong. Sometimes it’s just a matter of choosing right or left.” Make a decision and take that first step. You can always pivot if needed! Do it scared or uncertain or uncomfortable, but just do it.
  3. Create a sticky note wall. If you are unsure of what to do with the stack of notes from that recent event, try creating a sticky note wall where you can visually organize all of the information. Sticky notes are a fantastic way to map out your tasks and takeaways. Use different colors for various categories and create a hierarchy of goals and action steps. Seeing everything laid out in front of you can help you piece together a clear path forward. Bonus: The sticky notes aren’t permanent! The beauty of sticky notes is their flexibility; you can move them around, take them down, and revise as needed.
  4. Ask for Help! You don’t have to navigate the process alone. Reach out to people in your community, or perhaps other event attendees, to talk through your notes. Or look for support from professionals or experts in your field. Whether it’s mapping out next steps or finding accountability, there’s value in seeking assistance. Friends and coaches like our friend Christa are great resources for helping you move forward with clarity.

Refined Conference: Designed to Be Different

At Refined Conference, we’re committed to creating an experience that minimizes overwhelm. Our goal is to foster an environment where attendees feel like they’re having a casual coffee chat with friends. We’ve integrated small group conversations, roundtable discussions, and Q&A panels to ensure that participants can dive deep into specific topics and get personalized advice. Our team and speakers remain accessible throughout the event, allowing for organic interactions and reducing feelings of imposter syndrome. As we often say, “If He called you, He already qualified you!”

Connect with Us

Interested in joining us at Refined Conference or learning more? Visit for all the details and to register! For ongoing updates and to connect, follow us at and on Instagram at @marketrefinedmedia. Feel free to send us a message or schedule a free discovery call to see how we can assist you in achieving your goals.

Embrace the journey, take one step at a time, and remember that with the right strategies and support, you can turn conference overwhelm into actionable progress.

If you’d like to listen this conversation, you can access the replay of the Lunch Break Live with Christa from Do a New Thing here. {Thanks, Christa, for having us!}

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