We’re excited to work with you! This form is intended for clients in need of writing and publishing assistance. Please only submit this form if you’ve already been in contact with our team regarding your upcoming release. Take your time and provide as much detail as possible in your answers, as this will help us better serve you and your business or ministry.

Please complete this form in its entirety. An incomplete form will delay the discovery process. Thank you!

Step 1 of 2

Author's Legal Name(Required)
Author's Pen Name (if applicable)
Which of the following services are you interested in?(Required)
Please check all that apply. We will discuss these further on our call.
If unsure, please share the working title.
If unsure, please share a working subtitle or note that you will need our help with this.
Even if the date is only tentative, please list it here.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Is the above release date:(Required)
Is your manuscript complete at the time of this submission?(Required)
If you have a completed manuscript or outline for the book, please provide the number of estimated chapters or sections.
What book products would you like to make available to your readers?(Required)
If so, please describe those for us here.
Which of the following distribution options are you interested in?(Required)